Rental houseboats without a license in France and Europe

Allemand Anglais Français

Romain World Tour

Week-end river cruise @ Canal de Roanne from Romain World Tour on Vimeo.


Nine people on a Tarpon 42 N leave from the Canalous base in Pontailler to discover the Haute-Saône up to Soing, and return. Moments of live onboard...


In Haute Saône, the one way Savoyeux tunnel, 643m long, is taken by the boats which navigating on the Saône river, between Ray-sur-Saône and Gray. It is lit but there is no step to get off during the crossing...

Photographe Assénat

Pierre Assénat left with his family and friends for an inland cruise on a Tarpon, from the base in Pontailler-sur-Saône. Discover thanks to Canalous the scenery and the joy of navigating along the Burgundy waterways!


GlobalGrasshopper goes boating on the Saone, in France, courtesy of FPP Holidays